The environment protection agency says that we spend approximately 90% of our time indoors. And that the indoor air is up to 100 times more polluted than that of outside air. So the unfiltered air inside our house that we breathe, can damage our health. Irritations of eyes nose and throat, dizziness, headaches and heart diseases are some results of breathing in polluted air.
Asthma is one of the most common and serious chronic disease of childhood and accounts for most emergency room visits as the Environmental Protection Agency indicates.
One of the most important and simple method of improving indoor air quality is having an air cleaner, beside helping decrease health issues they keep the evaporator coil of your air conditioner clean. This results in much better air flow, better performance and efficiency from your furnace and the air conditioner meaning direct energy saving and money in your pocket.
There are different filters and filtration system available .The standard filter on your furnace is the most basic protection you have. Media air cleaners and electronic air cleaners which are as efficient as 99.9 percent are vastly used as well by home owners. With higher efficient air cleaners, your in home air quality would go As well, installing ultra violet lights in your duct you will reduce mold and bacteria growth.
There are different manufactures of air cleaners such as Honeywell, Carrier, Lennox, York, Spaceguard and Aprilaire. At AireOne we can recommend the best unit for your needs and to keep the air quality in your home optimal and healthy