You most likely do not need a heater with the same input as your current furnace, because in simple terms. The input is the amount of gas your furnace burns and the output is the amount of heat that goes into your home. Translate this into dollars and cents, if the furnace in your home is 60-70% efficient (most older furnaces are), for every dollar that you spend on natural gas,You get 60-70 cents used to heat your home while 30-40 cents is wasted through your chimney. With the new high efficiency furnaces, you have up to 96-98% efficient models which results in 2-4 cents left unused. The differences between the savings are enormous.
Also majority of the furnaces have a DC motor. A DC (direct current) motor distributes the flow of air much better than an AC (alternate current) motor and consumes far less hydro, resulting in direct energy savings to your monthly bill.
besides if you have an old furnace and you have to spend tons of money each year for repairs and maintanace why you do not use that amount of money in the purchasr of the furnace and start your saving
you can buy a furnace with as low as 40$ a month but save more than this amount in your monthly energy bills (gas and hydro).
Please contact me if you have any question or concern :
hamid B. 416-560-9900